Attention skeptics: Web Performance Optimization works!

Today, I was looking into web performance issues for a new client who wishes to remain anonymous and saw an interesting example of value provided by improving performance. One of the first things I do when looking into a new site is look at Google Analytics to understand a little about the sites visitors. This helps in prioritizing changes which affects the majority of users. An interesting observation :- Pageviews for all visitors Pageviews for all visitors Average Pageviews for all visitors Average Pageviews for all visitors Adsense revenue also followed a similar path. -- Screenshot not available The reason for this effect was a simple database indexing tweak which sped up the backend performance of a very important action page on the site. The site in question is a web application where user inputs something and gets some result. It is not a content site where pageview/user could have increased due to some interesting content being added or something. The only change was indexing of a column which should have an index right from the start. DISCLAIMER: I did not have any role in the above improvement. This was done before my involvement. Perhaps this convinced the client to hire me. Screenshots/info shared with clients permission.
Tags: google analytics site performance
Categories: Monetizing Webmaster Things